Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

We spent this afternoon walking around Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park in Florida. Mostly we were excited to see the Manatees – but in all honesty it was really pretty sad to see the state of some of them, the scars strewn across their backs from boat propellers, and learning how agriculture pollution and sewage is causing die-off in seagrass, which manatees depend on for food 😔. I really don’t know what the solution to this worsening problem is when they are expected to coexist with humans. The park is also home to black bears, bobcats, white-tailed deer, alligators, and river otters. Theres a neat underwater observatory…. Oh and there’s a hippopotamus named Lu, apparently famously known for his performances in several movies for the past 40 years.

You can find more info about Homosassa Springs here.